Mastering React Hooks
When React first came out, all components were class-based. Developers used this.state to manage the state and this.setState to update it. However, this approach had its challenges: class components often became cumbersome and working with this caused confusion among newcomers. The release of React 16.8 in 2018 and the introduction by the React team of […]
Innovate with Web3 Healthcare App Development
Web3 healthcare app development opens up new possibilities to solve these problems by offering decentralized, safe and transparent technologies. The use of a blockchain, smart contracts and decentralized identifiers (DID) allows rethinking the approach to medical applications and create an ecosystem where users have full control over their data. Benefits of Web3 in Healthcare Today’s […]
Visual Development Techniques for Designers
In the world of digital design, the right choice of tools is key. Today, designers are no longer limited to graphics editors — visual development programs come to the aid. They allow you to create interfaces, layouts, and even full web applications without the need for coding. If you’re just starting out in design techniques […]